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Contact Write Nice today to rejuvenate your web presence with one or more of the following:

  • Web content writing: You need to keep your website updated consistently to compete in the marketplace. Search engines need to recognize your website is active regularly to consider your site in their search rankings. Write Nice applies the proven techniques of persuasive copy and webpage structure to your web content that can generate leads for your business and build your prospect’s interest and loyalty.
  • Web copy editing: Sometimes businesses desire more control over their web content and want to write their copy in-house. Hire Write Nice to proofread and make professional recommendations based on the best practices of online marketing. Revising and editing services are included!
  • Social Media: Leveraging social media networks is a necessity in today’s inbound marketing landscape. These social platforms are effective ways to build your brand, foster relationships, and interact with prospects. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and the multitude of other social media sites take time and dedication to keep your audience engaged and the conversation rolling. My social media services include writing posts, tweets, managing accounts, as well as social media training and consultation.
  • e-Newsletters and email autoresponders: Did you know it generally takes about five interactions with a business before a prospect becomes a buying customer? In order to get return visits to your website you’ll want to build an email list and send either e-newsletters or email autoresponders. Sending quality e-newsletters an ideal way to spark interest and foster a relationship with your subscribers. Email autoresponders sent in a series can be an enticing way to lure prospects back to your website.
  • Blogs: Blogging is a quality and shareable way to connect with your prospects on a regular basis. They’re ideal for offering value and showcasing the authenticity and expertise of your business. Blogs need to be updated consistently for SEO and also give your prospects a reason to return. Write Nice’s blog writing includes research for keywords and topic ideas to make your blog engaging and interactive. Blogs can also be fused effectively with your social media marketing.
  • Website audits: Write Nice will conduct a formal analysis of your website using a 35 point checklist that rates usability and effectiveness. Included in this evaluation is a comprehensive written report that includes recommendations for improvement.
  • SEO articles: Search Engine Optimization requires close attention to keyword research. Trust Write Nice to write interesting articles that address your prospect’s needs and wants, incorporating key words naturally to boost your SEO presence.
  • B2B white papers: White papers or  are an excellent method for businesses to explain a new and/or better solution to a problem or issue. Write Nice understands the structure of a successful white paper and takes the time to thoroughly research your topic. The result is a highly focused, organized, and informative article that communicates the benefits of your product or service and ultimately, increases sales.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Customized packages are available. Call Write Nice today for a complimentary consultation.